Doing your 2022 Taxes with Gillian and the Simple Solutions Team – Individuals

June 15, 2022


Doing your 2022 Taxes with Simple Solutions Accounting Services…

From 1 to 14 July 2022 we are going to be focused on STP annual reconciliations and finalisations for clients that we process payroll for, as well as lodgement of quarterly Super.

As a result we will not consider lodging individual tax returns prior to Monday 18 July 2022 – and this will only be considered if you don’t have any income from managed funds or waiting on trading platform investment packs or annual rental statements for investment properties.

On or around 18 July 2022 we will be downloading your pre-fill report and adding it to the secure client portal. If you need a reminder how to access please click here for your CLIENT PORTAL INSTRUCTIONS.

You will then be able to login and check the pre-filled information for accuracy and completeness. Please also advise us if any of your details have changed (name / address / banking details and if you have hatched (had a new bub or more kids!), matched (now partnered), or separated (sorry to hear) so we can update your records. Please also advise if your job description has changed.

If you could then upload your documents for tax onto your portal. You do not need to notify us that you have uploaded documents – we get notified internally. However, if you could advise us once you believe you have uploaded ALL of your documents, we can then progress the return and allocate it to one of the amazing tax accountants in the team for them to work their magic.

Not sure what to upload or what we need? Well, it really depends on your circumstances.

Generally – this document outlining documents needed is a good start, and you can use the deduction checklist to record the expenses you have incurred.


  • If you have a rental property use our handy Rental Information Checklist Form 2022
  • If you have foreign income – please send details (i.e.) foreign investment statements and also any foreign taxes paid.
  • If you have Crypto – please send us the reports for the gains / losses (like Crypto Tax Calculator)


For tips and tricks throughout the year and other useful guides, please join us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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