Super Contributions

May 24, 2024

If you want to have a super contribution counted in the 2023–24 financial year, you need to ensure your super fund receives it by 30 June 2024. The key date for making contributions is not when you make the payment, but when it’s received by your super fund. Electronic fund transfers and BPAY can take a number of days to appear in your super account.

The concessional contribution limit for 2023–24 is $27,500, and this includes contributions your employer makes on your behalf (including super guarantee and salary sacrifice). You may be eligible to contribute more than your normal contribution cap if you have unused concession cap amounts accrued. You can get in touch directly with your Superfund to find out the maximum you can contribute, and the way to contribute. You will also need to complete a notice of intention to claim a deduction and submit it directly to your super fund, and then provide us with the letter of acknowledgement so that we can claim the deduction.

You can also contribute to your low-income earning or non-working spouse’s super and claim an offset – as outlined in this table. The maximum offset is $540.

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