Webinars to help you run your business from home

December 10, 2020

Work from home

Webinars to help you run your business from home

Running a small business from home can be daunting and you might feel you have a lot to learn.

You may want to know more about which expenses you can claim in your tax return, how to calculate the amounts you claim, or learn the benefits of digital systems.

ATO are offering two one-hour webinars to help you improve your small business skills.

  • Running a home-based business
  • Digital options for your small business

Running a home-based business:

Find out what expenses you can claim as tax deductions and how to calculate them.

Digital options for your small business:

There are many online services and digital systems that can help you with business activities such as marketing, sales, accounting and reporting.

Discover the benefits of digital systems and what systems are available for each area of your business operations.

The webinars are available now. They’ll be delivered online via Webex and you’ll receive a link to the session after you register.

Don’t miss out, book now

Next step:

Key webinar topics for small business

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