Financial Toolbox – a Tax Deduction with Meaning

June 17, 2020

Gillian presenting at a Financial Toolbox workshop

I am privileged to be on the Financial Toolbox Not for Profit board which aims to build financial knowledge and skills of Western Australian women to give them independence and freedom of choice throughout their lives.

We have a Woman at Risk Trust which has been granted DGR status.

Prior to the end of FY2020, if anyone is looking for a tax deduction with meaning – all donations over $2 would be gratefully received at

Your Toolkit is a comprehensive web based resource containing information to assist women and children facing domestic violence and financial abuse transition to becoming independent, empowered and financially resilient. Your Toolkit is specifically tailored for their circumstance and was empathetically designed to provide relevant and crucial information in a way that allows a woman to navigate a pathway to safety, no matter where she is in her journey of family and domestic violence.

Your Toolkit contains a broad range of information in relation to personal finances as well as other relevant, practical information that will assist them on their journey to independence and security. It has a menu-based approach that makes information easy to access, not overwhelming and available when it’s needed. Information is provided for different stages of the women’s journey.

  •       Preparing to Leave or “Prepare”;
  •       Time to Go or “Launch”;
  •       Things to do when you leave home – Early Days or “Nourish”; and
  •       Moving Forward – Longer Term or “Flourish”.

Your Toolkit  has been developed by volunteers who remain active in the charity.

Your donation will support website improvements and help us to spread the word about Your Toolkit to those who need it most.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

If you have any questions or need more help contact us today, we’re here to help!

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